man named Ariyo Aina Kano from One Ogga Compound, Ogga, Yagba West LGA, Kogi State was killed yesterday eighteen could, 2019 at concerning by Fulani Herdsmen. It was gathered that before the incident, the deceased has been having clashes with the fulani men as regards the herdsmen oxen coming into his farm to graze and destroy his crops. This caused an excellent dissension between the deceased farmer and also the herdsmen. About yesterday eighteen could, 2019 once the killed farmer need to his farm to envision concerning eleven herdsmen with cutlasses. He instantly turned back with concern whereas the herdsmen on the run to slaughter him. The incidences of herdsmen killings is turning into abysmal and uncalled for. The State and central square measure pleaded to require immediate address to the present incidences because it is turning into additional unendurable.Why ought to we tend to kill our fellow human on trivial matters that square measure meant to be settled amicably. Kogi regime particularly is challenged to not fold their arms on this matter as there ought to be a proffered answer to fulani herdsmen killings in some a part of Kogi State particularly areas in Yagba West. We herewith conjointly solicit Kogi regime to assist the family of the deceased United Nations agency is left with a adult female and four youngsters.
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